Wednesday, September 24, 2008

First post

First things first... Introductions.

I am Vashwood, the dashing, Pimp hat wearing, 75RDM from the server Carbuncle on the wonderful and equally evil online game Final Fantasy XI.

I've been inspired to share my drivel with all those who would read it by my good friend Arwenne whom also blogs about game related stuff on here if you care to check our her blog which I will link to shortly once I figure this website out.

I like to think of myself as one of the best RDM's around on the Carbuncle server, not because I have the 1337ist gear around, but because I deeply care about doing my job well and being there for my friends as much as I can. For me, FFXI is as much or more about the people as it is progressing in the game. I don't feel complete with a FFXI session if all i did was log on level/craft/farm without having a meaningful, or just as fun meaningless conversation with some of my friends.

I feel rambling coming on, so I shall end this inaugural post of the Nubbin' it up with Vashwood Blog. I look forward to providing much random and sometimes useful thoughts on the game and all that happens within it.

Your Friendly Neighborhood RDM,


And for the love of god, if you're a RDM and above lvl 41 freaking Refresh shit! Omg theres a Whm, Refresh..a Pld, Refresh.. a Rock, Refresh, especially yourself you freaking Nubface! /endrant


Arwenne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Arwenne said...

Yay, the Paragon of RDM Hawtness has finally joined us!

(> ;..; )>

(And yeah, I deleted my first comment cause blogger doesn't let you edit posts for grammatical PHAIL)