Monday, September 29, 2008

Penta Thrust Get!!!!

Well my friends, I haven't mentioned it on here yet, but I've been Pretty hardcore Dragoon lately. In addition, Im 99.9% certain this will be my 2nd job to 75 after my Beloved Rdm which will forever define Vashwood and be my FFXI baby.

It is with great fanfare and a milestone in a Drg's career that I have finally gained Penta Thrust!!!! Huzzah!!!! Woooooot mutha effen Woooot!!


I promise to put up a screen shot of a mid penta thrust very soon once I figure out how!

I did get it a level late at level 50 due to excessive level sync parties that caused my polearm skill to not catch up to lvl 49 skills until level 50. But It was soo worth it to finally get it. I've been double thrusting waaaaay too long, hehe. Now its time to give em what they want....Penta thrustin' action!!

My first one did a respectable 436 dmg I believe, not sure if all the hits connected. Now its time to work on building my gear for haste and penta modifications as well. Its time to become a major threat on the battlefield....

On an equally awesome side note, now that Arwy's Dnc is over 40 our duo completely rocks hardcore again utility wise, its always rocked to duo wiht Arwy. She has gotten reverse flourish which makes for easy break dancin' ^^
Congrats Arwy!

1 comment:

Arwenne said...

/hurray Penta thrust!