Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Static Go!

Its been a few months of quite literally pounding out exp from the now lifeless bodies of countless innocent/not so innocent mobs, however, we are soo near our initial goals.

That goal being get our static to lvl 75. Said static consisting of myself (Drg), Axciom (Thf), Arwenne (Mnk), Seyomeyo (Brd), and then usually random LS members(healers such as Anshii) or if we have to, random JP PLD's I badger until:

1. they leave campaign then,
2. Join our party next,
3. Either do a great job or piss me off.. after that
4. Be called "Cockfag", finally
5. If they understand Engrish (disband and go complain in jibberish to their jp friends "this is why i don't party with NA's) Hooray!!! Diversity unite!

In all honesty though, it takes a lot for me to actually be an Ass to someone, but if you repeatedly fail to hold hate at all times even after High jumps and super jumps...then You Fail. Cause I know i'm not doing "THAAAT" much DMG.

Anyway, back on topic....

So our static is between lvl 73 and 75 now with Arwy being the only overachiever to race ahead to 75 (man she loves to punch stuff, i feel sorry for her pillow...).

Once we all hit the 75 we'll likely switch gears and perhaps jobs (ax to War) to merit our asses off in addition to the goal of getting everyone Sea access by doing some more COP missions.

If your not super familiar with COP, then you must like cheap whores.... But in case your just uninformed, Sea is an end game type area for (experience/high level players). "Remember high level doesn't mean someone is experienced or good". And there are lots of great gear once can obtain thru various sea means such as:

Trading in Ancient Beastcoins for some some great earrings such as the Brutal Earring (melee) and the Loquascious Earring (mages) or the Boxers Mantle for boosting many useful stats. Lets not forget the Homam gear and every Job's AF +1 that can be obtained via Sea Play.

Lets just put it this way. FoR (Fall of Rubicant) our LS is gonna be putting out some big pimping players once we properly gear ourselves up end game style.

Word out....

1 comment:

Arwenne said...

You are, hands down, the most creative insulter I ever met. We all learn things when you get mad. >:D

And yay CoP!!! woot! It's gonna be so much fun doing it with friends.