Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Square Enix Shits on the honest player.....

For the most part I've applauded many initiatives SE has taken lately for ingame adjustments. One of them being the implementation of the level sync system. Truly something the game needed and has been a resounding success. I for one can say our LS FoR has been greatly enhanced with this capability as we have now a large base of high level players and a growing base of lower level players.

However, I believe SE may have let it get to their head in the latest round of "adjustments"

For a while now Beast Blood has been a viable source of some steady income for many players who lack the time to make gil in other ways.

In the Monday update however, SE has decided to nerf the npc sale price from over 700 gil down to slighly under 300 gil per blood. Effectively killing the efficiency of this type of farming. They also did this to bird blood essentially.

Now because of the low level of leeches for bird blood many rmt's just worked this area 24hrs a day to create gil for them to sell, so I understand this. However, wtf is up with messing with the beast blood....

This is dropped of a high enough level mob where its only remotely effective to farm these once you have a lvl 68 job; and even then only certain jobs can make it very viable. And in all my time and my friends time of farming this area never once did we see anyone that resembled a RMT. So all SE has done is eliminate an honest gil source from their dedicated players.

Here's what was so great about bat farming

1. Decent income

(30k per half hour) Yeah its not a lucky bcnm drop but its consistent and can finance many in game activities with minimal time waste

2. It only took 30 minutes!!!

For the player that has limited time (unlike many who someone seem to have damn near 24 hour a day to play) this was a godsend. Okay you only can play a few times a week for maybe 4-5 hours each time, great, do your activities and do a bat run to end the night and you can keep your gil pile slowly growing

3. No RMT competition.

The only competition was potentially other players, but you know what. Im fine competing with real people who play the game for the same reason i do... fun...not some fucking sweat shop rmt that is trying to abuse my leisure time for their own profit, im already paying SE for my liesure time...why should i pay some bitch RMT (in time spent)

4. Convient Location:

It was a mere teleport away, and better yet the farming area was right next to the teleport.

5. Player support capacity

This area could reasonably support 3-4 farmers and you could still make it worth while. Most farms can't boast that.

Well needless to say, I was very upset after reading about this in the update and for the first time in a long time...really didnt want to play ffxi...and that makes me sad.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Static Go!

Its been a few months of quite literally pounding out exp from the now lifeless bodies of countless innocent/not so innocent mobs, however, we are soo near our initial goals.

That goal being get our static to lvl 75. Said static consisting of myself (Drg), Axciom (Thf), Arwenne (Mnk), Seyomeyo (Brd), and then usually random LS members(healers such as Anshii) or if we have to, random JP PLD's I badger until:

1. they leave campaign then,
2. Join our party next,
3. Either do a great job or piss me off.. after that
4. Be called "Cockfag", finally
5. If they understand Engrish (disband and go complain in jibberish to their jp friends "this is why i don't party with NA's) Hooray!!! Diversity unite!

In all honesty though, it takes a lot for me to actually be an Ass to someone, but if you repeatedly fail to hold hate at all times even after High jumps and super jumps...then You Fail. Cause I know i'm not doing "THAAAT" much DMG.

Anyway, back on topic....

So our static is between lvl 73 and 75 now with Arwy being the only overachiever to race ahead to 75 (man she loves to punch stuff, i feel sorry for her pillow...).

Once we all hit the 75 we'll likely switch gears and perhaps jobs (ax to War) to merit our asses off in addition to the goal of getting everyone Sea access by doing some more COP missions.

If your not super familiar with COP, then you must like cheap whores.... But in case your just uninformed, Sea is an end game type area for (experience/high level players). "Remember high level doesn't mean someone is experienced or good". And there are lots of great gear once can obtain thru various sea means such as:

Trading in Ancient Beastcoins for some some great earrings such as the Brutal Earring (melee) and the Loquascious Earring (mages) or the Boxers Mantle for boosting many useful stats. Lets not forget the Homam gear and every Job's AF +1 that can be obtained via Sea Play.

Lets just put it this way. FoR (Fall of Rubicant) our LS is gonna be putting out some big pimping players once we properly gear ourselves up end game style.

Word out....

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Four digit DMG Barrier: BREAK!!!

I finally did it. On my first DD job I've broken the 100o DMG barrier with a 1156 DMG Penta Thrust on some sucka Colibri @ lvl 55Drg onry!!! I've got a screen shot courtesy of my bro Axciom below:

Now I'd like to acknowledge those who made this uber awesome Mid 50's dmg possible. Axciom, Seyomeyo, Anshii, Absolutezero, Lostris, and Arwenne even though she wasnt there ^^.

I've noticed that DD's often enough never acknowledge that their awesome dmg wouldn't be quite so awesome without those supporting them. You cant tell me that your 2k Asuran fists had nothing to do with some RDM keeping dia II and Para (can paralyze blocks) on that mob. I know for a fact that without those Bard Songs, attack rolls and debuffs offered by spirit Surge, I'd have never got near this number. In fact best I've done without surge is 818 so far.

I refuse to be the DD that thinks he does it all on his own, cause that's never true. Whether its a thf doing def down bolts or a RDM casting Dia II it all adds up to uber dmg.

Monday, October 6, 2008

A Poem about someone (well actualy a drk that started to watch too much tv towards the end of our party)

God you really suck...

You damn Whorebag Fuck... (yes its vulgar)

Look at that Gob

Do your Damn Job..

Stun? Can I have it?????

Monday, September 29, 2008

Penta Thrust Get!!!!

Well my friends, I haven't mentioned it on here yet, but I've been Pretty hardcore Dragoon lately. In addition, Im 99.9% certain this will be my 2nd job to 75 after my Beloved Rdm which will forever define Vashwood and be my FFXI baby.

It is with great fanfare and a milestone in a Drg's career that I have finally gained Penta Thrust!!!! Huzzah!!!! Woooooot mutha effen Woooot!!


I promise to put up a screen shot of a mid penta thrust very soon once I figure out how!

I did get it a level late at level 50 due to excessive level sync parties that caused my polearm skill to not catch up to lvl 49 skills until level 50. But It was soo worth it to finally get it. I've been double thrusting waaaaay too long, hehe. Now its time to give em what they want....Penta thrustin' action!!

My first one did a respectable 436 dmg I believe, not sure if all the hits connected. Now its time to work on building my gear for haste and penta modifications as well. Its time to become a major threat on the battlefield....

On an equally awesome side note, now that Arwy's Dnc is over 40 our duo completely rocks hardcore again utility wise, its always rocked to duo wiht Arwy. She has gotten reverse flourish which makes for easy break dancin' ^^
Congrats Arwy!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Don't be such an Ass

This post is for you Mister Sch/whm who shall remain nameless.

Why are you such an ass? I invite you to a party, a party that at level 41 sync is averaging over 10k an hour, mind you. Not bad for that level, in fact many a nubface like yourself would sell their left testi for that. You are informed you are the Main healer with for than a few back up healers in the party as well.

So what do you do Asshat? You whine the moment someone is afk for 1 min even though we are still exp'ing @ 5 people during that AFK. Then after we've got a nice rythm going, you inexplicably let the paladin die... OMGWTF happened????

Heres how it goes....

Asshat SCH: Omg this is depressing me..I think i need to take a break..

Me: What?? are you serious??

Asshat SCH: ::says nothing::

Me: Well you are the healer and noticed that while we had expended our mp you still had 140 when our Pally died...

Asshat SCH: ::says nothing::

Me: Surprise Cockfag!!!!!! /boot asshat

All that would have made it better would be leading an Exoray to MPK his whinny ass.

As I know he certainly didnt learn any lessons, but at least he wont ever fuckup one of my parties again. Another side note, dont ever bitch about my friends in party, esp when im the leader...you will lose....

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

First post

First things first... Introductions.

I am Vashwood, the dashing, Pimp hat wearing, 75RDM from the server Carbuncle on the wonderful and equally evil online game Final Fantasy XI.

I've been inspired to share my drivel with all those who would read it by my good friend Arwenne whom also blogs about game related stuff on here if you care to check our her blog which I will link to shortly once I figure this website out.

I like to think of myself as one of the best RDM's around on the Carbuncle server, not because I have the 1337ist gear around, but because I deeply care about doing my job well and being there for my friends as much as I can. For me, FFXI is as much or more about the people as it is progressing in the game. I don't feel complete with a FFXI session if all i did was log on level/craft/farm without having a meaningful, or just as fun meaningless conversation with some of my friends.

I feel rambling coming on, so I shall end this inaugural post of the Nubbin' it up with Vashwood Blog. I look forward to providing much random and sometimes useful thoughts on the game and all that happens within it.

Your Friendly Neighborhood RDM,


And for the love of god, if you're a RDM and above lvl 41 freaking Refresh shit! Omg theres a Whm, Refresh..a Pld, Refresh.. a Rock, Refresh, especially yourself you freaking Nubface! /endrant